Our Philosophy

ARK proudly supports organizations who no longer determine a dog’s fate based on shelter behavior alone. They don’t make hasty life or death decisions but explore all available options. Their enlightened staff and volunteer advocates make every effort to provide training, enrichment, and behavior modification plans. 

When a dog is at risk for euthanasia, they try to change the dog’s environment such as transferring the dog to a rescue, foster home, or even a smaller shelter. A change like this can dramatically decrease a dog’s stress level, which in turn improves behavioral health. Modern practices champion a dog’s right to a fair and just system and pave the way toward the ultimate goal of adoption. 

Although a more just and humane approach for helping dogs with behavioral issues is the current standard, there is still dangerous advice circulated by some shelters, animal controls, and trainers. We continue to see euthanasia suggested as a hasty option when other options to help a dog are available. Time and time again, dogs that were once labeled ‘unfit for adoption’ have been saved by creative alternatives.